Welcome to the ohio bar owners association!

A membership service organization representing alcohol beverage permits in Ohio! We are small business owners working for small business owners! 


Our membership benefits include health insurance, worker's comp savings, property and casualty insurance, and exciting events.


Teaniques of Alcohol Management (TAM) gives owners, managers and staff the tools they need to be safe and responsible retailers of beverage alcohol. Ohio Bar Owners Association offers TAM in convenient online training, in live classes at Buckeye Bar Expo, or private classes for your establishment.


The Buckeye Bar Expo is Ohio Bar Owners Association's biggest event of the year. Our trade show and Expo is where vendors display their largest products. All Ohio Bar Owners Association members receive four free tickets to the Buckeye Bar Expo.

We Help You Run Your Business!

Full-time team of lobbyists fighting for the rights of bar owners before the state legislature and agencies.

Learn how to get sports betting in your bar!

Ask for help!

Learn how to run a liquor option!

Server Training